Australia Native Plants Society (ANPS) Canberra

The ANPS Canberra Plant Label Database is used to produce the printed labels for our plant sales. Our labels are specific to Canberra and other cool climate areas: unless mentioned otherwise, the plants are assumed to be frost hardy.

Atriplex cinerea
A dense small shrub 1-1.5mH x 1-2mW with decorative silver grey foliage. Flowers summer to autumn, but grown for foliage. Suits a wide range of soils, but will need a warm, sunny site with overhead cover & good air movt.

See this plant, and all our other labels, here

Atriplex cinerea

©2013 GL

©2013 JM

©2013 JM

©2013 JM

©2013 JM

©2013 GL