Australia Native Plants Society (ANPS) Canberra

The ANPS Canberra Plant Label Database is used to produce the printed labels for our plant sales. Our labels are specific to Canberra and other cool climate areas: unless mentioned otherwise, the plants are assumed to be frost hardy.

Banksia robur
Swamp Banksia. Medium shrub to 2mH x 2mW. Attractive reddish new growth. Stiff oaklike leaves, greenish-yellow flowers all year. Sunny position. Adapts to a variety of sites but best in sandy wet soils. Likes extra water.

See this plant, and all our other labels, here

Banksia robur

©2013 BWa

©2010 JCh

©2010 JCh

©2010 SC

©2010 SC

©2010 SC

©2010 SC

©2013 BWa